Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ESL Yoga concepts: Yamas

New series of Vocabulary cards:

ESL Yoga concepts 

ESL Yoga concepts go beyond the introduction of vocabulary concerned with the physical practice of Yoga. ESL Yoga concepts explain vocabulary which relate to Yoga philosophy, all Yogic practices and life-style. 
First vocabulary card belonging to our series: ESL Yoga concepts 

ESL Yoga concept 1: Yamas (Pl.)

Hatha Yoga consists of eight limbs or eight practices. Some might call them the first stages of Yoga others might emphasize that each practice is of equal importance creating a whole system of practices in which it is up to the practitioner to choose which practice is relevant to them in any given situation to attain more well being, happiness or freedom.
The first limb consists of the yamas. Yamas are restraints which are intended to guide us in how we relate to other people. They encourage us to be mindful of our:
- actions 
- thoughts 
- words 

According to the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali there are five Yamas. They are: 
1. non-harming, 
2. truthfulness 
3. non-stealing 
4. non-greediness

ESL Yoga concept 1: Yama Lesson Plan - An introduction to the Yamas  

1. Conversation: Ask your students what they think is "right" and "wrong". Keep this conversation light-hearted and non-judgmental.

2. Introduction of Yamas: Introduce the concept of Yamas to your students. You can use the information above. 

3. Conversation:
Ask your students what they think each Yama means
2. Ask your students how they can apply each Yama in their life  

4. Writing: Ask your students to write their own code of ethics in how they would like to relate to others. 

Lesson plans and vocabulary cards on the other five Yamas are coming soon!!  


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